Sego Lily Phase 2
February 16, 2023
Sego Lily Phase 2:
WCWID has begun preparations for the second phase of our sego lily mainline replacement. This project is in coordination with the White City Township Sego Lily Sidewalk project.
We will continue along Sego lily, picking up where we ended phase 1 at Barium ln, headed East to Flint Dr. This project will include 1100 feet of new 8” Ductile Iron pipe with all old, galvanized services being replaced along the way. We will be installing 2 new fire hydrants along this stretch, this will ensure that any emergency use of the hydrants will be sufficiently met.
We anticipate this water replacement project beginning late March to early April and continuing for an estimated 6 weeks from start to completion. We will share more details of the project as we get closer to construction beginning.